BINUS UNIVERSITY Proudly Inaugurates Doctor for the Third Time

For the third time, the Doctoral Program of Research Management at BINUS UNIVERSITY has bestowed the Doctoral degree at the promotional examination while inaugurating Savenpri Chandra. The inauguration was led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Gerardus Polla, MM.App.Sc, director of Graduate Program, BINUS UNIVERSITY.

Fueled with the emotion, all the participants in Anggrek Hall, the 8th floor of BINUS UNIVERSITY Anggrek Campus, West Jakarta on November 23, 2013, seemed to shed tears.

Acting as the promoter was Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, MM, rector of BINUS UNIVERSITY; and as the co-promoters wereFirdaus Alamsjah, Ph.D, executive dean of BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL andDr. Asnan Furinto, S.T, MM. The board of examiners included Iman H. Kartowisastro, Ph.D, vice rector academic development & provost of BINUS UNIVERSITY andProf. Dr. Ir. Richardius Eko Indrajit, M.Sc., MBA,  M.Phil., MA. In-depth dissertation by Sevenpri Chandra is entitled “The Role of Knowledge Capability of Enterprise Resource Planning Success”.

“For sure, I am very happy. Eventually, I can convince all in the supervising commission and the board of examiners that I am deserved to be a doctor,” Sevenpri said in an avuncular manner.

He added that taking the DRM program has honed his critical thinking of perceiving everything. Previously, he only perceived the existing phenomena in a general manner, but after enrolling at DRM, Sevenpri said that the program gradually took him to the realm where he has to digest everything in a scientific manner, in which the practical and academic elements are blended into one.

“Carrying the mission “Advancing business management knowledge and producing high quality researches by integrating science, best practices and leveraging of ICT”, DRM graduates are expected to be the qualified doctors in the field of business management capable of producing high quality researches, contributing to industries and/or public, as well as benefiting from the right information and communication technology, explained Prof. Dr. Mts. Arief, MBA, CPM, head of Doctoral Program of Research in Management, BINUS UNIVERSITY. (Karunia Fransiska)